aku dapet artikel lucu lagi nih dari twilightindo. makasih ya buat yang posting. judulnya edward cullen/twilight witticism.
ada banyak hal yang bikin aku ketawa di sini. sebenernya sih artikel ini khusus buat yang seneng sama twilight aja, soalnya bakalan banyak yang gak dimengerti nanti bacanya. satu pesan lagi nih, buat cowok2 jangan anggap ini serius ya, trus ntar cemburu sama edward. yang jelas edward ntu kan cuman karakter fiktif, dia adalah tokoh rekaannya stephenie meyer yang kebetulan diperankan oleh seorang robert pattinson. jadi, kalo sampe cembokur ya rugi lah ya.
oke... here we go:
* I'm too sexy for my volvo
* Twilight:gives hope to clumsy girls everywhere
* I like my men cold, dead, and sparkling! (hehehe kalo aku sih gak mau yang ni)
* Edward Cullen, sexier than you since 1901
* The only reason Edward ran from Bella in the meadow was because I was on the other side
* I called my boyfriend Edward and now he thinks im cheating on him...OOPS (yang ini enggak juga)
* My girfriend read twilight and now she calls me edward and throws glitter on me
* Edward Cullen: making real guys feel pathetic
* My friend thinks she is married to Edward cullen....We are no longer friends
* Edward Cullen Vs. Jackob Black is like Sparkles vs. Fleas Take your pick
* I dont suffer from Obbessive Culen Disorder...I enjoy every minute of it!!!!!
* You're not jealous of Bella Swan?.....Liar
* Real men sparkle
* 0.2 Seonds = how long it took for me to fall for Edward Cullen
* Everytime I hear thunder I wonder if vampires are playing baseball
* Edward Cullen isn't just Pretty in Pink, he is Mindblowing in Pink.
* Edward Cullen can dazzle the sun
* The real 'ladiesman217' is Edward Cullen. (yang bener ladiesman217 itu sam witwicky:P)
* He doesn't know where the glasses are either.
* Edward Cullen created TwilightMoms just to figure out how many possible women he can impregnate.
* Forget a knight in shining armor, I want a vampire in a shiny Volvo (wahahaha kocak abes)
* Edward went to the virgin islands, when he came back they were just the islands.
* When life gives me lemons, I throw them back and demand Edward.
* Dear Diary, Today I made Carlisle feel like he was in love with Edward...AGAIN!!! LOL! Later, Jasper
* I have OCD: Obsessive Cullen Disorder.
* TEAM VAMPIRE...because we do it all night.
* Cullen/Hale '08: A prettier America
* Twilight, because my real love life sucks.
* Dear Bella, I'll marry Edward for you so you can have Jacob.
* Edward Cullen: bringing sexy back since 1901.
* Jacob Black and Mike Newton starring in "Wedding Crashers". Coming this summer!
* Cullenism...my new religion.
* Edward Cullen makes abstinence sexy.
* Dear Jacob, I win. Sincerely, Edward
* I typed in "sexy" in Google and it came up "Did you mean Edward Cullen?" (ah nggak tuh)
* Future boyfriend checklist: Golden eyes, super strength, silver Volvo, reddish-brown hair.
* You're choosing fleas and fur over this? (picture of Edward) dog, please.
* Edward Cullen can't impregnate me, but I would let him try. Many, many times.
* Ipoured glitter on my boyfriend, just so he could be like edward
* Sexy (adj.) two words: edward cullen (see cold, dead, and sparkly)
* Volturi= vampire mafia
* I wish i could run with vampires, but they run too fast
* Dracula? Pssh more like Edward Cullen
* Cullen boys: because they don't make'em like that any more.
* Screw Santa; I want Edward to come down my chimney!
* 4 minutes to save the world? Edward Cullen only needs a second
* Edward Cullen is the 9th Wonder of the World, he just doesn't like to tell people
* Nobody puts Edward Cullen in a corner
* Edward Cullen asked for a love song Sara Bareilles wrote it
* When Edward Cullen does a push up, he doesn't push himself up, he pushes the world down.
* Outer space exists because it is afraid to be on the same planet as Edward Cullen.
* My new religion is Cullenism. (religionku gak ganti)
* Jacob Black is so hot... he caused Global Warming!
* Go tell Sam that the scary monsters aren't coming to get you.
* You haven't read Twilight? Go shoot yourself in the foot!
* "Sorry your not my type." "What is your type then?" "VAMPIRES"
* TWILIGHT: It's more than an obsession... it's a Lifestyle!
* JACOB BLACK: Because once you go black, you never go back
* Why can't we have a subject about Twilight? Seriously I wouldn't fail it
* Rob staring at his reflection in the Volvo's window- Dude, I dazzle myself.
* Volvo should do a commerical featuring Edward. They'd sell.
* Cedric didn't die ... he became a vampire. (astaga, amos diggory pasti marah sekali)
* I love rainy days because I can pretend I live in Forks.
* I'm more excited for Edward and Bella's wedding than my own ... is that healthy?
* Edward cullen my (fictional is crossed out) boyfriend
* Team Edward- because dogs were meant to be pets.
* If a boy wants to know the secret to my heart, he only has to read twilight
* Edward Cullen- harder, better, faster, stronger. (maksud?)
* Edward only plays Bella her lullaby so she'll fall asleep so he can sneak off and be with me
* Dear Edward, I'm suing you for dazzling me so often.
nah, yang ngerti pasti ketawa bacanya. yang gak ngerti juga. wek. mehehehe. sekali lagi, jangan dibawa serius ya. ini cuman lucu2an aja. aku sendiri ngefans twilight gak sampe gitu kok. cheers all!
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